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Lorries, Trucks & Vans


Lorries often have a long hard commercial life covering many miles in different environments. The wheels are large on most older lorries and trucks normally due to the lack of power steering and require a lot of effort to move the wheels; this can result in stress occurring where the spokes intersect the rims and the centre boss.

The steering wheels for older lorries and trucks wheels are often made from bakelite or plastic on a steel frame, read more at the best website. Another indication of severe tractor steering wheel wear is that solvents will often leach from the surface leaving black marks on hands and clothes, a common indication of Bakelite decaying over time.

These can be honed out and repaired and the rim recoated find car service in phoenix.  We can also get spokes rechromed and can finish the wheel in various colours, we recently restored a J type Bedford in grey (standard colour) and one in red (non standard colour).  We also restored a Scania with centre cap and gearknob in grey (photo).

We have made the moulds and tooling to completely reconstruct the Morris Commercial steering wheel which was fitted on a C8 military lorry from 1940’s and was used on other Morris vehicles including Tractors upto the late 1950’s.

Various makes of Lorries that we have restored or repaired the steering wheels for:-

Bedford J1, Bedford TK, Bedford 0A, Leyland, ERF, AEC, Foden, Ford, Thames, Transit, Atkinson, Scammel. Albion, Commer, Scania, Volvo, Morris, Iveco, Dennis, Fordson, Austin, AWD, BMC, Chevrolet, Dodge, LDV, Mercedes Benz, Seddon, Volkswagen,

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© 2023 SteeringWheelRestorations, Myrtle Limited. A site by AGB Computing

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